Are you also eager to see God's Kingdom come to Belgium?
Than you can join us by becoming a PARTNER:
Prayer Support
Moral Support
Communication Support
Logistics Support
Financial Support on a monthly basis
By supporting us financially we can focus on God's calling and ministry for our family and our country.
Together we take the Kingdom!
Please, pray and consider to partner with us.
.Moral and Communication Support
We would love to hear from you!
Write us, call us or let us chat over a cup of coffee.
Friendship is vital to us!
.Prayer Support
- Pray for His daily Presence upon us, which enables us to partner with Him to represent Him in excellency.
- Pray for more 'laborers' for discipleship & fathering this nation.
.Financial Support
Are you willing to pray and to consider joining our team of ministry partners by giving a monthly amount?
It would be wonderful to have different partners who want to give a certain monthly amount that is sustainable over a longer period of time. Our target total amount is €2000/month for nourishing my family. One-time donations are also welcome of course!
Our bank account number is:
BE83 9794 3226 2115 (IBAN)
Under the entry: 'Ministry gift FatheringBelgium'